Legal notice

Glutathione patch

6 rue du Stade 97354 Remire-Montjoly
The sales department can be reached at and at +594 694 997 140

Numéro registration at RCS 519471858

This site is hosted by Néodomaine 24 RUE DE L IMPRIMERIE 34070 MONTPELLIER

Identification and publication
Publisher: This site is published by glutathione patch,
The commercial site is an online sales site, It is published by the company LB, registered under the siret 51947185800018.

The site as well as any software necessarily used in connection with it may contain confidential information protected by the intellectual property law in force or any other law. Thus, unless otherwise stated, the intellectual property rights on the documents contained in the site and each of the documents created for this site are the exclusive property of Glutathione patch, which does not grant any license or any right other than that of consulting the website. The reproduction of all documents published on the site is only authorized for the exclusive purposes of information for personal and private use, any reproduction and any use of copies made for other purposes being expressly prohibited. It is also prohibited to copy, modify, create a work, reverse design or assembly or in any other way attempt to find the source code (except as provided by law), Be aware that www.glutathione- is the property of LB registered with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI). The Internet user acknowledges the exclusive rights thereof and refrains from making any use of it and more generally from infringing the intellectual property rights of Glutathione patch. We reserve the right to claim damages in the event of infringement and more generally of infringement of our intellectual property rights.